Lighbody Love is a lifestyle wellness company dedicated to regenerative methods for holistic healing and well-being.

We empower lifestyles that support healing and transformation through regenerative communities, immersive wellness experiences, conscious media, innovation, real-estate, education, and more.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that by embracing regenerative practices and nurturing a deeper connection with ourselves and the planet, we can create a more peaceful and loving world.

A Shared Vision

At LightBody Love, we are conscious co-creators in the Regenerative Renaissance, a transformative vision that recognizes the pressing challenges we face as a global society and calls for a fundamental shift in how we interact with our environment and with each other.

The Regenerative Renaissance integrates various interconnected initiatives aimed at fostering a holistic approach to addressing these challenges and creating a brighter future for all


As part of our commitment to spreading knowledge and inspiration, LightBody Love founder Mark Pancis hosts "Circle Of Truth" - Healing Arts", an interactive show that delves deep into profound discussions about truth, streamed across the world.

Join us as we explore diverse topics, challenge beliefs, and uncover the deeper truths that shape our lives and society.


We embrace the concept of a "light body" and the activation of the ascended body, which can be found in ancient practices and teachings.

The light body represents a higher vibrational state of being beyond the physical realm, where expanded consciousness, heightened awareness, and a deep connection to the spiritual dimensions are experienced.

Through practices like meditation, energy work, and breathwork, we aim to raise our vibrational frequency and access higher states of consciousness and spiritual realms.


Love, in its highest form, is at the heart of our collective journey towards regeneration. It is a unifying force that transcends ego and connects us to our true essence.

By cultivating compassion, empathy, and acceptance for ourselves and others, we align with the energy of love and create harmonious relationships within ourselves, our communities, and the world.

ancient wisdom

At LightBody Love, we honor and integrate various ancient modalities that have been known for their regenerative effects on the body and spirit.

From Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda to Shamanism and Yoga, these practices offer holistic approaches to healing and restoring balance.

They recognize the interconnectedness of our being and aim to activate our body's innate capacity for self-healing.

cultivating harmony

We recognize the importance of energy in our well-being and transformation.

By understanding and cultivating our energy, we can influence our overall health and spiritual growth.

Practices like Reiki, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and yoga focus on balancing and harmonizing the energy within our bodies, promoting healing and a deeper connection with ourselves and the natural world.

quantum awakening

Entering the quantum realm is another aspect of Lightbody Love.

It invites us to transcend the limitations of linear time and space and tap into the realm of infinite possibilities.

By harnessing the power of intention and our thoughts, we can shape our reality and create positive change in our lives.

The quantum realm reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things and the profound influence our consciousness has on the world around us.

transform together

We invite you to join us on this remarkable journey of regeneration.

Explore our offerings, participate in our events and retreats, get involved with us and discover the power of holistic healing.

Together, we can create a future where love and abundance thrive, nurturing a world that is in harmony with nature and ourselves.